The Rio Grande spouter complains we don't make any money from ca

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AVALON - The Rio Grande spouter complains we don't make any money from caring for the elderly or the zoo. Well lets put a modern spin on Jonathan Swifts " A Modest Proposal". House them at the CMC zoo! If a few get eaten by the animals, well that just saves the county money. We could put all the nursing home residents on busses and ship them to the border. Make room for our new illegal immigrants until they get old. Then to the zoo with them! Win win.

Moderator's Note: 
Jonathan Swift"s proposal sounds as shocking today as it did when he wrote it in 1729 as a satirical essay about the children of the poor. It was not a serious idea then ,nor is this proposal by the spouter from Avalon. Don't go ballistic on him or her.
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