Lived in middle Twp 8 yrs. Was 5 weeks late on my sewer bill.

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Rio Grande - Lived in middle Twp 8 yrs. Was 5 weeks late on my sewer bill. It was due 10/1. Paid it on 11/23. Sewer bill was $160. I was charged $227.96. Sewer interest was $1.28, tax payment $1.68, cost of sale misc.P and last but not least $50.00 mailing fee. What a rip off! I get the interest , tax charge and sale misc fee of $15.00. The $50.00 mailing fee? Not only that the twp has put my home on a Tax Sale List for unpaid municipal charges. The speed in which the twp acted on this is outrageous. I resent my home put in the paper for $160 sewer bill.

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