To the people who are decorating the trees at the Douglass park

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North Cape May - To the people who are decorating the trees at the Douglass park next to the Ferry, I think thats good Christmas spirit and God Bless you. Now I'm gonna be a Grinch, If you want to have a REAL impact on a life, go give the money you used buying Christmas ball and ornaments and donate it to St. Jude or any Children's Hospital. Maybe Wounded Warriors or T2T. Lastly, what happens when that stuff blows off, winds up in the water way, (which it will). I've been in North Cape May since 1962 first it was cats now its decorated Christmas trees down there. How about LEAVE Mother nature alone...

Moderator's Note: 
Some people manage to both make beautiful things in their community AND give monetary donations to charity. You know what happened to the Grinch, don't you? His heart grew so big that he participated in all the wonderful events of this season of giving and loving. It is dangerous to assume one knows what others give or don't give. Perhaps you can help organize an "undecorating" party after Christmas. It might be a great way to meet those generous people who decorated the trees.
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